A Few Words

About Me

Exceptional Professional Service

organized and accurate financial information helps you make better decisions

let me worry about your bookkeeping so you can focus on what's important

My Story...

Lee-Ann Sequenzia is uniquely qualified to help your business. Lee-Ann’s favorite subject in school was always accounting. Lee-Ann went on to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from a local college. She had an exceptional vision that the best way to help others was to use her accounting skills in federal law enforcement. Unfortunately, this was during the height of the recession and there was a hiring freeze across federal agencies. Not to be deterred, Lee-Ann then set her sights on local law enforcement and was quickly hired as a police officer. Lee-Ann served for 13 years in a large local police department in her community, until suffering a career ending injury. Instead of letting that beat her down, she discovered that there is a lot of need for her bookkeeping skills. Since she always had a strong devotion for helping others, she realized that she could return to her first love of accounting and help business owners save time and make more money. At the beginning of the pandemic, Lee-Ann created Ledger Advantage in 2020. Even though starting a business during a pandemic had numerous challenges, it also brought about  monumental opportunities. Lee-Ann brings unique qualifications, passion, skills, and drive to help businesses power through their biggest challenges, even in the worst of times.

Bookkeeping Services

Accurate records are a Key Component to the Success of Your Business

With accurate financial records you will never overpay on taxes. You can also make sure your bills are getting paid. You can also track your cash flow in case of an emergency. My goal is always to increase profits. I can help you understand what the numbers mean and what effect they have on your business.

Customize services to take more off your plate. Want to see how you fare against your competition? With benchmarking you can see how your business is doing against the competition. Always knowing exactly how much money you have in the bank is essential for future success.